Monday, 3 May 2010

Why the ITQ for Accessible IT Practice

I've wanted to study the ITQ for some time as in comparison to other IT qualifications (such as the ECDL) it's a flexible, modular based course and the programme can be tailored to the needs of the student.

The ITQ for Accessible IT Practice suits my requirements as I support learners in Higher Education with additional learning needs. Also, as a Skills for Life practitioner I work with many learners who also have various requirements. I believe it's important that accessibility should be something that is considered at the start of any project, from creating online resources to printable materials. I have produced online content for different audiences and as part of the user-centered production process we would include users with accessibility needs.

Though I have some background in accessibility and IT, I'm aware there is much more I could learn and I am looking forward to learning about different approaches, tools and software.

Finally, I've just started as a Project Manager at a charity called The Reading Agency and I've volunteered to disseminate information about how we can make our content more accessible.

For this course I've decided to start my first blog, another learning experience as part of er the learning experience!

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