Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Online training - Apps and Benevolent Bill - part two

I rejoined the online training session to be introduced to the wonderful world of EduApps. Offered by JISC, these are a range of free software that can be used to support teachers and learners. A few caught my eye, particularly those for dyslexic learners and I was eager to learn more so watched their podcast and introduction video:

But, unfortunately the downloads are for Windows based PCs... not for a Mac :( I've added it to my ITQ TaDa list as after flicking through their AccessApps guide I'm eager to try them out once I'm back home, where I have a spare PC.

One interesting point they made was that for dyslexic people their colour preferences can change over time. I'd never heard of this before so it's useful to know, particularly when learners amend the settings on their computer, they'd need to be able to change them in the future.

For safety, Di recommended f.lux programme that adjusts the light on your computer's monitor depending on the time of day. This intrigues me, particularly as I get tired staring at a screen all day and it would reduce the glare. One to try when I get back to my flat.

Another website recommended was AbilityNet's My Computer My Way which shows users how they can change settings on their computer to make it easier to use. Great step-by-step walk-throughs on changing settings for vision, hearing, motor and cognitive skills for the Mac and PC.

The rest of the presentation was about the various units we have to complete for the module, including some suggested activities. I've decided I'm going to create my own activities with the aim of teaching myself more about the Mac operating system - though whilst always considering accessibility.

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